Guestbook for
Where are
you from:
Comments:hey alison, u added me to ur msn.just wonderin how u got my adressxxxx
Do you like maths? no
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt? yes
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do? yes
May 2, 2004 15:20:47 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
kent (i wish!!)
Comments:its a gr8 site.......part from the horrid pics of me, id asku 2 loose them but u wont :'( U DONT HAVE ANY ANTI-AVRIL ONES ill give u sum!! love n hugs emma xXxXx
Do you like maths? hell innes rules the maths department!! (alison can back me up here!!)
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt? oooohh my kind of poker must b diff from urs alison!! ;)
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do? course i can.............................what is it?
Febuary 16, 2004 12:14:00 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Comments:Thanx so much for not mentioning me anywhere in your website!!! Stupid Moo! I am secretly madly in love with Gareth Gtaes so you've got competition.!! I f I were you I would watch your back!
Do you like maths? Duh course I do! Who doesn't??
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt? I play poker with gays
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do? Yeah I showed it to her1
Febuary 15, 2004 15:16:07 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Here god dammit
Comments:Comments urself, anyway im so pleased that i went 2 computing 2day..which has got 2 do with nothin at the moment...anyway just u keep thinking about big mental Gazza Gates even tho u probably do that anyway! cheeriebyes x x x
Do you like maths? Love it, cant get me away from my maths class
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt? Yeh strip poker rocks, well it might do f i cld play it
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do? No , who is linzi?
Febuary 11, 2004 20:00:25 (GMT Time)

Email:u know it by now
Where are
you from:
Comments:No a bad site there titch, mine gonna be better tho lol. Man u got enough photos (unlike me right now). i will still get a better 1 than u tho. Laters
Do you like maths? U must be joking
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt? Poker???
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do? what can she do?
Febuary 2, 2004 18:45:59 (GMT Time)

Email:fuk u no1 adding me
HomePage:http://i to poor to get 1
Where are
you from:
has ur mumma not told ya yet
Comments:alison stop dissing my P.O.D stuff P.O.D is da best fuking band around :D for just now atleast
Do you like maths? turmbell a twat
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt? just u cuz ur stupid
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do? wtf
January 23, 2004 23:02:37 (GMT Time)

Email:fuk u no1 adding me
HomePage:http://i to poor to get 1
Where are
you from:
has ur mumma not told ya yet
Comments:alison stop dissing my P.O.D stuff P.O.D is da best fuking band around :D for just now atleast
Do you like maths? turmbell a twat
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt? just u cuz ur stupid
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do? wtf
January 23, 2004 23:02:28 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Comments:Hi Alison Good Luck!!!! I like your web site but i don't love craig nemore lol lol cya soon hunni love ya gem xxoxoxo
Do you like maths? YES! totally -
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt? just u
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do? dunno whats dat?
January 11, 2004 18:51:29 (GMT Time)

Name::+: Linz :+:
Where are
you from:
Right here
Comments:I especially love the page dedicated 2 me, a ha but hey go on my site instead!
Do you like maths?
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt?
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do?
January 11, 2004 17:26:27 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Do you like maths?
Do you know how to play poker or is it just me that doesnt?
Can you do that funny thing with ur arms that Linzi can do?
January 10, 2004 16:34:24 (GMT Time)